Creative in research and teaching.
The Workshop Advances in Quantitative Methods for Financial Markets will be held in Almería (Spain) in February 17-18th, 2022.
The attendance to this workshop can be Virtual or in Person.
This ASEPELT workshop is born from the initiative of a group of professors from the Financial Economics and Accounting Area of the University of Almería. The objective of this workshop is to share ideas that contribute to research in the field of Finance, in general, and financial markets, in particular. Undoubtedly, this initiative, promoted by the International Association of Applied Economics-ASEPELT, aims to be a meeting forum where young researchers, and also the most experienced, can make their research known.
This workshop has an international vocation and for this reason we will make an appeal to colleagues from universities around the world and we will offer the possibility of making presentations in a remote mode with the aim of encouraging the greatest possible participation.
On the other hand, aware of the interest that the modeling of financial markets has aroused in colleagues from other fields of knowledge, this workshop has a clear interdisciplinary motivation.
For the financing of this scientific meeting, we will have the support of Vicerrectorado de Investigación of the University of Almería and, of course, with the sponsorship of the International Association of Applied Economics-ASEPELT.
This ASEPELT workshop aims to be the continuation of the other meetings already held in our geography. For this reason, our final goal is the publication of the papers presented in a book published by the Publications Service of the University of Almería. In this way, the results of the meeting may have a greater diffusion and a greater permanence in our collective memory. The topics of this workshop are limited to the field of Finance related to financial markets and investment decisions over time.
The workshop sessions will be held at the facilities of the University of Almería, although we plan to visit some place in our wonderful province of Almería and thus have the opportunity to meet and share experiences.
See full info in:
Creative in research and teaching.
On November 25, it will take place the presentation of the book Financial Derivatives: Products, risks, strategies, accounting and regulation, coordinated by Fco. Javier Fernández, Project Manager and COO of the foreign exchange business at BBVA. The book has been sponsored by ASEPELT.
Previously, Professor Roberto Knop, expert in Structured Products, will give the conference Current trends in the world of Derivatives.
The event will take place in the BME Assembly Hall, Stock Exchange Palace, Plaza de la Lealtad, 1, Madrid.
The course was held at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Castilla-La Mancha on October 28 and 29, 2021, with the maximum number of students allowed by the regulations of the University.
It was directed by the president of ASEPELT, José-María Montero, and the UCLM professor José Mondéjar. Among the numerous speakers, prestigious representatives from Exponential Education, the Phillipe Cousteau Foundation, Action Plan for the Earth, the University of Málaga, the UNED and the UCLM participated.