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Platform "Economy and Future" by Prof. Adolfo Castilla

Our partner Adolfo Castilla, emeritus professor of Applied Economics at the University of Cantabria, co-founder of CEPREDE and member of the United Nations LINK Project from 1983 until its suspension in 2020, as well as a member of its steering committee since 1990, has maintained for years the blogging platform Economía y Futuro, whose link is:

The following six blogs are published intermittently: Economy, Collective Artificial Intelligence, Cognotechnology and Consciousness, Foresight, Worldviews and Personal.

They can be accessed from the tabs included under the title.

Adolfo Castilla has been a close collaborator of the 1980 Nobel Prize in Economics, Lawrence R. Klein, from 1970 until his death in October 2013, having personally known and dealt with, through his mentor, Klein: John Kenneth Galbraith, Kenneth Arrow, Bert Hickman, Joseph Stiglitz, Edmond Malinvau and several other well-known international economists.

At the Autonomous University of Madrid he collaborated with Antonio Pulido, Bernardo Pena and Emilio Fontela.

Adolfo Castilla has been very active in recent years in Artificial Intelligence, being Executive Director of the company Innovation Wars/CIBUC, dedicated to Collective Artificial Intelligence. Link:
