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XXXVII International Conference of Applied Economics ASEPELT

The XXXVII Asepelt International Conference will be held at the city of Elche on June 19th to 21st, 2024 organized by Universidad Miguel Hernández.

The ASEPELT Conference has been for several decades a reference as a meeting place for researchers in the field of Applied Economics. Our goal is to continue in the same line, offering a forum for debate and discussion that will serve to enrich and disseminate our work.

The central theme of this XXXVII Asepelt International Conference will be, as stated in the heading of this dossier, "The new challenges of economic policy: reglobalization vs. de-globalization". With this theme we intend to mobilize different areas of knowledge within the economic discipline, which can interact and offer advances in research from an applied economics approach.

In recent years, trade tensions between the main economic blocs, the emergence of protectionist policies and the dependence on the supply of certain goods have reopened the debate on reglobalization and deglobalization. Along these lines, some international organizations, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), are promoting greater economic integration between countries and a reglobalization drive.

In this context, it would be interesting to open an academic debate that could serve to lay the foundations or proposals for economic policy in the coming years in order to ensure global growth, productivity and welfare at the global level.

Economic science has worked for many decades in isolation from other disciplines and, even more, compartmentalized in diverse areas that have not interacted sufficiently to progress in knowledge. Therefore, in our conference we propose a multidisciplinary approach where we intend to mobilize academics from those areas of knowledge and disciplines that, in one way or another, can carry out multidisciplinary studies with an applied economics approach.

We hope that this proposal will receive the best response from academics and that we will enjoy an ASEPELT conference, in its XXXVII edition, full of new ideas, quality papers and interaction between researchers from different areas and disciplines.

The program will include seminars in the form of parallel sessions, plenary sessions and round tables in which the ideas presented in the conference theme will be presented and discussed.






