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Round table "Inequality and unequal development in Portugal and Spain"

We have already confirmed the composition of the round table Inequality and unequal development in Portugal and Spain, which will be held within the acts of the XXXVI International Congress of Applied Economics ASEPELT, on July 7, 2023, at 2:30 p.m., in University of Evora (Portugal).

The participants in the round table will be:

  • Aurora Galego (UE, Specialist on inequality in Portugal and across the world)
  • Nuno Alves (Head DEE-Department of Economic Studies, Bank of Portugal, ECB).
  • Juan Francisco Gimeno Serrano (Adviser, DG Economics, Statistics and Research, Bank of Spain).
  • José Mª Méndez (Head of Area Statistics on Household Incomes and Living Condition, National Institute of Statistics, Spain).

We hope to have the presence of our colleagues in this fascinating event.
