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36th ASEPELT International Congress

Dear colleague,

I am pleased to inform you that from July 5 to 7 we will celebrate the XXXVI annual ASEPELT Congress at the University of Évora (Portugal).

The main theme of the congress is "Inequality, poverty exclusion and political implications for a better world - An applied economics approach" but, as always, the congress includes 10 thematic axes that bring together all the subdisciplines and sensibilities of Applied Economics.

As you can see at, we are preparing a magnificent event with 4 outstanding Keynote speakers (Frank Cowell, London School of Economics; Elena Barcena, U. Málaga; Jacques Silber, Bar-Ilan University; and Oded Galor, Brown university ), very interesting round tables, a poster session sponsored by the Nobel Prize in Economics Finn Kydland, the traditional ASEPELT awards in support of young researchers, a tribute to prominent economists, two excursions through the Alentejo and other places in our wonderful neighboring country... Already I mean, a magnificent event.

I encourage you to reserve July 5-7 in your agenda to see us in Évora (Portugal) and enjoy some unforgettable days, scientifically and personally.

Receive a very cordial greeting,

Jose-Maria Montero

See you in Evora!
